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Debating the Purpose of the EdTech Conference

Session 5
Rafranz Davis, Sarah Thomas — Rafranzdavis.com, Prince Georges County Public Schools

Typically, the norm of the edtech conference is that it is tool-focused, repetitive in content, and outdated. Although best practices suggest using higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy with students, we often neglect to do the same with teachers. Many educators find themselves drowning in a sea of QR codes, augmented reality, and sessions on Twitter 101.

It's time to take a stand and change our practice…or is this all there is? In this conversation, we hope to hack the edtech conference and explore ways to redefine professional learning opportunities.

Conversational Practice

As a result of the discussion, we will develop a collaborative manifesto of guidelines and expections to be shared with state and national edtech affiliates, to consider as they plan their events. We will also host a space for individual and group share-out, questioning, and debates, so that all sides of this conversation can be explored, and done.

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