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Digital Portfolios for Student Reflection

Session 1
Wendy Eiteljorg, Bethany Silva — The Shipley School, University of Pennsylvania

When schools go 1:1, what is the purpose of all that tech? As we’ve considered that question at the Shipley School, we’ve decided that one way to use tech transformatively is to have students create and maintain digital portfolios as a place to think metacognitively about their learning. We will share our experience of planning and piloting a program that will ultimately become a school wide practice. Participants will be invited to share individual experiences with portfolios and/or student reflection as we build not only a case for this level of ongoing reflection but collect ideas and resources while building a community of educators with whom to collaborate well after EduCon.

Conversational Practice

Begin with collecting ideas on a Padlet or other bulletin board tool: What are you most interested in talking about in regards to portfolios?

Depending on the responses (how-to, why self-reflection, how to convince others) conversation will go accordingly.

We will have a skeleton google site or wiki with basics on all topics above and then build the relevant section as we go.

Whichever topic(s) are addressed, we will include collecting our own contact information and experiences so that we can continue to support each other after EduCon. This will be a significant take-away for the group as many who do this type of work feel somewhat alone in their buildings or schools.

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Presenter Profiles

Wendy Eiteljorg
Wendy Eiteljorg
The Shipley School


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