How to Build Teacher Tools That Work
When visitors come to SLA, our tools of the trade get lots of attention, from our school-wide rubric to our peer observation forms to our student surveys. Come learn about our design process and workshop your own ideas to create effective tools for both classroom and administrative purposes. Conversation participates will be invited (but not required) to actually build an online tool that they will take back to their school. Copious examples will also be shared during the session for reference.
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Garreth HeidtPerkiomen Valley High School
Erin Franzinger BarrettChicago Public Schools
Jessica RaleighDenver Public Schools
Jeffrey Rupertus
Cynthia SchachtHyla Middle School
Jessica MullenGreene County Middle School
Mike VollmertRio School District
Dawn BrabazonLabrum Middle School
Stefanie LondoLabrum Middle School
Jennifer WilkieIthaca City School District
Augustine GarciaRio School District
Michael CarsonMcLean School of Maryland
Jill LenickSouth Western High School
Rachel IrvinOak Ridge Elementary School
Diane CarruthersPrincipal, Lehman Alternative Community School
JoAnne McQuade
Tony CacioppoEleanor Roosevelt High School
Christina McCabe
Kristi Froisland
Peggy GeorgeClassroom 2.0 LIVE
Heather Baron Caudill
Rita JensenWestern School of Science and Technology
Ed Allen
Penn GrowAir Academy District 20
Scott TottenFlemington-Raritan School District
Monica Krangel
Nancy KuThe Shipley School
Sean Conner
Tim ComerHudson High School of Learning Technologies
Stephanie Casperson
Laura WitmanEast Penn School District
Rusul AlrubailThe Writing Project
Courtney AsaroJJ Flynn STEAM Teacher
Holly TiffanySouth Western High School
Jennifer MorrisShelburne Middle School
Randi Schreiner
Rusty RigbyHudson High School of Learning Technologies
Laura BerdineBreck School
Julian MillerLearnmetrics
Aaron GrillThe Browning School
Kevin Harris
Kaitlin IlnitzkiBETA Academy
Kyle KauffmanSouth Western High School
Kyle SimonSouth Western High School
Donald Morrison
Scott St Pierre
Katie Bordner
Jamie AckartLiberty Public Schools
Bill GriffinJohn Hancock Demonstration Elementary School- General J. Harry LaBrum Campus
Molly SmithFriends School of Baltimore
Meredith StewartCary Academy
Shelly Watts
Brian Stumm
Laura WensinkZionsville Middle School
Donna EverettLeysin American School
Marissa Dolan
Beth BarcaHighland Park High School
Geoff Jablonski
Christian Kunkel
Maria SommerRiver Vale, NJ Public Schools
Virginia VatcherBerwick Academy
John DownesTarrant Institute for Innovative Education
Paula Don
Anneke Radin-SnaithNaples Central School
Jae Lee
Brandy Johnson
Philip VinogradovUpper Dublin School District
Beth Lloyd
Emily GasoiArtful Education
Dan CrowleyFriends Central School
Daniel DioGuardiEducate LLC
Huie Douglas
Fran NewbergSchool District of Philadelphia
Katrina StevensUS Department of Education
Chad O'ConnorKensington CAPA
Tod WitmanSchuylkill Valley School District
Derek Grimm
Marc WilsonImhotep Institute Charter High School
Chris AlfanoSLA, Jarvus
John MunroRick Hansen Secondary School of Science and Business
Rachel Nichols
Kate RizziMcLean School
Harlan HoweThe Kinkaid School
Erica Chavarria
Rayanne Pirozzi
Maria FlemingFort Osage School District
Caroline PatrieAddison Northeast Supervisory Union
Ashley Doll
Lori Huber
Presenter Profiles
Larissa Pahomov
Science Leadership Academy
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