Code this!
What’s the big talk about coding? Can coding be used in humanities classes? This workshop will engage participants in a discussion on coding and interdisciplinary projects. We will look at interdisciplinary projects done between history, math, and science classes. Participants will work on similar projects in groups, using coding to visualize their research. Participants will also discuss and share suggestions about our projects and brainstorm ideas to implement in their daily teaching.
Conversational Practice
We plan on sharing project ideas and the different processes, and we will have participants code data and take useful tips to implement brainstorming and coding tools in their classrooms. Participants will realize how coding can be a useful tool to present data and allow for interdisciplinary work.
Morgan CaswellWagner Free Institute of Science
Wendy StoryLiberty Park Elementary School
Alexander WroblewskiScience Leadership Academy and The Franklin Institute
Dawn YoungBinghamton City School District
Tom CallawayRed Hat
Tracy RudzitisThe Computer School MS 245 NYC
David HeldPoughkeepsie Day School
Jeffrey McClurkenUniversity of Mary Washington
Fletcher Collins
Erin McClureRandolph Central School District
Veronica Warwick
Andy NguyenWilliam Penn Charter School
Temple LovelaceDuquesne University | Teachers Leading Change
Michael LassiterHighland Park High School
Victor Karkarscrible
Karyn VogelBurlington School District
Dan LevyCity and Country School
Justin AionWoodland Hills School District
Rachel IrvinOak Ridge Elementary School
Michael Moore
Lauren StuffCattaraugus-Allegany BOCES
Katharine HudsonHaverford School
Brian Adams
Christian Kunkel
Danny GoodwinDanville Independent Schools
Elizabeth BradleyFranklinville Central School District
Peter SaundersBreck School
Byron Rice
Samuel Reed
Kadijah KempBCPS
Tim MillerSchool of the Cathedral
Bryan ShiponWilliam Penn Charter School
Sonia NelsonSt. Joseph's Preparatory School
Gordon SmithCodesters
Jason HoekstraActualize Technology
Chris ConquestCollegiate School
Brooke MulartrickMethacton School District
Patrick Breitwieser
Anneke Radin-SnaithNaples Central School
Aaron KaswellNYC DOE
Michelle KrillSouth Western SD
Tim ClarkeCA BOCES
Robert MerithewThe Miami Valley School
Justin GohdeTrinity School, NYC
Saber KhanBrowning School
Nicole Hickman-CalixThe Children's School
Robert LochelHatboro-Horsham High School
Philip VinogradovUpper Dublin School District
Molly SmithFriends School of Baltimore
Marina PistoPocantico Hills Central School District
Christopher ProctorGirls' Middle School
Steve Lynch
Linda NitscheLinda Nitsche Consulting
Jeff Dunnington
Ryan McClintockThe Mosaic Collective
Donald Morrison
Mark SambergThe Friday Institute for Educational Innovation - NC State University
Aaron GrebermanBodine High School for International Affairs
Lee Finkelstein
Ron HoutmanKent ISD
Chris AlfanoSLA, Jarvus
Chris TarantaMasterman School
Dana SmithGreensboro Day School
Bethany SilvaShipley School
Sean LeberProject Learn School
roxanne clement
Linda ConwayDouglas County School District
Frank BeckerCollegiate School
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