During each of the six breakout sessions throughout the weekend, a large number of conversations will take place. This site will help you organize your plan for the weekend and provide the relevant information for each conversation. After signing in, search through the conversations below and mark the sessions you are interested in to populate your personal schedule on the right (or below if on your mobile phone).
Project-based learning gives
teachers the opportunity to bring learning closer to students' real
lives. But how can we make sure the final projects we ask students
to create both require them to use real-world skills and spark
their curiosity, inquiry, and imaginations? Instead of asking
students to make projects that approximate real-life for the
future, how can we ask them to do meaningful assessments that
matter for real life today?
Our conversation will address the missing yet essential elements of most schools’ curricular programs: innovation and social justice. We’ll discuss how the two can be combined in a Social Entrepreneurs class in which students merge their own passions with a need in their community to develop a student-run business.
The majority of human life and activity—and the vast majority of adult life and activity—happen beyond our schools' walls. Taking this as a starting point, how can we put our students in touch with the living and doing that's happening in the world? Like, for real.
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being very careful easy to keep them in good condition.Jerking about the cord to disconnect the application invites problem, because such treatment loosens that wires from plug.The best way disconnect some sort of cord furnished with a switch is to cut away from the switch first and after that reach down and retrieve the put.If there is absolutely no switch, pull the plug from wall shop first, then from appliance.Seize the plug firmly (not that cord) plus pull instantly.If the item sticks, rock the item gently between as you actually pull, to loosen one connection during the time.Even if a cord incorporates a switch it is wise to detachment the cord belonging to the outlet way too, when you have finished having a heating gadget.<br />
<br />
CORDS TAKEN CARE OF WITH PLASTIC INSULATION have to be kept tidy of accumulations of grease that will sometimes collect to them in the kitchen.Grease for good damages rubberized.Disconnect this cords from time to time and cleanse them that has a soapy textile, then rinse off and dried them.Other cords have to be kept wash too, and without dust.<br />
<br />
WATER IS MOSTLY A CONDUCTOR OF ELECTRICITY.Do not even replace electronic cords that washed until they are thoroughly dried; you may very well get your shock when you handle exist cords should they are moist, or having wet hands and wrists.Guard likewise against mineral water spilled all over electric equipment.<br />
<br />
CORDS HAVE TO BE KEPT FREED FROM KNOTS, bends, and kinks that may break this fine cable connections inside and also damage his or her's insulation.<br />
<br />
STASH YOUR CORDS, when not available, coiled loosely within the drawer or using a shelf, or hang them round of golf wooden pegs and also on some hooks, within the cool dry place.Cords permanently linked with appliances is usually wrapped usually around them after the appliances include cooled.Temperatures is damaging to cables too.<br />
<br />
DON'T TRANSITION CORDS indiscriminately from a appliance completely to another; they isn't designed to carry the exact load.<br />
<br />
DEFECTIVE OR MAYBE DAMAGED CORDS have to be repaired immediately otherwise they replaced.<br />
<br />
ELECTRICAL CORDS SHOULD BE USED WITH CARE.Do not run them all underneath green area rugs, or all around radiators, piping, or fingernails or toenails.<br />
<br />
CORDS AROUND OUT-OF-THE-WAY DESTINATIONS can accumulate great coating from dust that's sometimes touched off by a stray spark into a minor explosion.This is frightening, so make sure you keep that dust out of collecting driving your electricity washer or refrigerator.<br />
<br />
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One suburban Colorado neighborhood school pushes the boundaries of transformative educational. Here we outline our challenge and attempt to answer three questions: Why? Why is this challenge a worthy endeavor? What? What are the obstacles in a traditional neighborhood public school? How? How are these obstacles overcome?
In this conversation we will discuss what happens when the innovations don’t succeed in the way you thought they would. Join Erin Klein and Brett Clark as we discuss the ups and downs of innovation. During the down times how do you retain buy-in, rebuild trust, and move forward?